Wednesday, September 07, 2005

turn to the left, turn to the right...

i'm in a buying things kind of mood...

this sudden desire to buy was prompted by a haphazard perusal through dosty's lovely site. i came across this and gasped:

i knew at that moment that i must immediately go forth and procure the necessary items that could give me this chic and captivating look.

firstly, i want some skinnie-ass, butt-crazily tight jeans. boot season is fast upon us and unfortunately my favorite tuck-into-your-boots jeans are out of commission because of an unsightly array of crotch holes due to inner-thigh rubbage. they were the perfect jeans and will be sorely missed. so... onto the next! i'm captivated by this stunning pair:

but of course, i would never, ever wear these awful, awful shoes. i am not selena and this is not corpus christi circa 1993. not only do these jeans possess maximum tuckability, they would also look tres fab with one of my holey t-shirts and my "basics". the chance of crotch holes is great, but these jeans are inexpensive enough so as not to pose too great a financial risk.

now. boots. i simply adore my tried-and-true black suedey ones with the tough buckles and their limitless street credibility. but it's time to venture out into the big wide world of boots. i think this is a tremendous pair... the only problem is choosing a color:

i'm immediately drawn to lago and the orchideas, but i don't have dainty, teeny feet and bright colors in sizes above 7 can get a little troublesome. black suede and black leather could also be quite satisfying (and infinitely more versatile), but i haven't made up my mind yet. i definitely prefer graphic colors to natural ones though. i'm not a khaki kind of girl.

and i just want these. they remind me of the lady who played stiffler's mom when she was in legally blonde. they are so hot and i would probably wear them more often than i tastefully should:

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