Monday, October 31, 2005

back in effect...

my throat is finally back to normal and i can eat once again after an excruciating few days during which my diet consisted mostly of lemon sorbet and hope.

with the exception of yesterday afternoon, i haven't seen anyone or done anything remotely social since tuesday. i believe it's time we correctify that situation. i did get a chance to chill in the sunshine with tiya for a bit. we spent that time making fun of people's outfits and coming up with racial halloween costumes. i suggested she don a black sheet and call herself a neghrost. she suggested i turn my collar up and be incognegro. being brown is the best.

during my four day, three night stay in my bed i watched season two of home movies and bring it on approximately 17 times each. it was glorious.

last night, christ compelled me to clean and declutter. i came across emails from 1995, when my family was the proud owner of a prodigy internet account and i was 13 years old. my email was kgua22b and my screenname was kerplunked (in honor of my favorite green day album). i also found my 8th grade diary (with the lock broken... hmm), a giant stack of notes from 8th and 9th grade, including one of the check yes, no or maybe variety, two high school telephone directories from 1997 and 1998, and my freshman dayplanner with a NIN sticker on the front and my crush's phone number written upside down in pink marker inside the back cover. he was an angry pseudo goth with long black hair, a purple birthmark over his left eye and a soft spot for flipping teachers off while enjoying the sweet tunes of stabbing westward.

now i'm back at work, still trying to find suitable ways of dealing with an overly demanding newcomer from overseas. he really boils my kool-aid sometimes, but thankfully i've got a sunny mini pumpkin sitting on my cpu and it brings a smile to my face every time i look at it.

my to-do list includes: finishing going through my voicemails and emails (the screen on my phone happily announced that i've had 43 new calls since Tuesday afternoon... awesome), deciding whether i want to get my hair cut again or buy a holga, dropping off this second batch of clothes at salvation army, checking up on nutcracker tix at the kennedy center, relaxing my stupid hair because it looks vaguely robert smith-esque again, going to the art store for aquamarine ink and a new bamboo brush, finishing that drawing for julian, sending that long-overdue package to drum-n-bass dave and finishing that damn roll of film in my SLR.

oh, and btw... i totally have a new cell phone number, so if you want it, ask and you shall receive.

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