Friday, January 13, 2006

one milkshake, two straws...

Crafty bastard: in honor of twee and my newly acquired ticket to see Belle & Sebastian in march, ive decided to embark on another hand-drawn t-shirt adventure. this project will involve twee images and my new favorite twee-centric exclamation. pictures to follow.

Toasty: had a very enlightening lunch today. apparently, this dude blow dries his junk after taking a shower, citing that "you don't wanna have moisture down there." in theory this is all well and good, but... seriously? i was very confused. is this a common practice amongst those with dongs?

Self-cut: my bangs are working out pretty nicely so far. i like them. theyve already grown a bit, but it just makes me mysterious.


had a very strange nightmarish dream last night. was in my grandmas creepy old house outside of boston and it belonged to this guy, lets call him mortimer. there were two mice that lived in mortimers house and this made him very angry. but he wouldnt let the mice leave. they kept trying to escape out windows and tried to burrow their way out, but mortimer and his crack team of henchmen (who also lived in the house) wouldnt let them get away. then this giant storm began and the mice ran into one of the upstairs bedrooms where i was watching wheel of fortune with two other mysterious people who didnt have faces. one of the windows mysteriously opened and the mice got away. i decided that i really needed to leave also, so i climbed out the window and began running up the hill, which (in my head) led to Montana. in the distance i saw something moving and as i continued my way up the hill, i slowly realized that it was a tidal wave of murky forest water. i looked around frantically for someplace to anchor myself and settled on this house on a peak that had a wrought iron porch. i clung to it as the waves passed me, and the wind made my feet come off the ground, just like helen hunt and bill paxton during the rousing climax of the popular film, twister. the waves passed and the wind settled and i was able to stand comfortably again. i skipped down the stairs off the porch and ran into a guy on a skateboard who came down the hill behind the waves. he walked up into the house, leaving his skateboard in the pile of other skateboards by the front door. i walked back down to the house and climbed back in through the same window i climbed out of, but this time it led into the kitchen. i saw mortimer standing there in a cowboy shirt making an omelette. he was on the phone with the social security office, trying to get a new card under the name Bobo. he finished making his omelette, and i followed him up the stairs. he went into his bedroom. i went into my bedroom. and we each shut our doors.

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