Tuesday, November 15, 2005



fell asleep very early and missed that kid's party. when i awoke, it was 3am and the record i had been listening to earlier was still spinning. i watched a movie alone in my bed and fell asleep with a smile.


ikea bright and early. found exactly what i was looking for - a new dresser and a new rug. the rug is very stylish. the dresser is very heavy.

hung out with the roomies. ate leftover halloween candy and laughed a lot. one of the guys suggested that rodents on hamster wheels be researched as a sufficient means of generating electricity on a large scale. another guy made very bad puns. one of the girls talked about growing up in texas on the mexican border. they were throwing a party that night, but i forgot. it looked like it was gonna be uber fun - they had new year's decorations up and when questioned, one of them responded with, "we were going to have a new year's party last year, but then we decided not to, but we had already put up decorations and we never took them down." that made me smile.

frantically shopped for ariana's birthday and purchased the following items from three different stores:

plastic pirate figurines (2)

mini wind-up sneakers with real walking action

sculpey fun pack

a card in the shape of a frog

the latest hardbacked dragon book that she's been coveting since its release

went home, had a steak, put on different shoes and then headed out to dc9. hard tomorrows were thoroughly excellent, as were parlor scouts. i was immensely pleased to see so many dc kids dancing and sweating as hard tomorrows rocked our collective casbahs.

after rock and danse and woodchuck, it was time for black cat with my girl-love. there was a lovely lady in the doorway, so we gave her some kisses. to be honest, i don't remember much of the details. there was lots of double-cheeking. ran into troy and high-fived for a while. then i met the most fun pair of young'uns. one of them was wearing fingerless gloves. one of them had floppy hair and a knotted scarf. i loved them. we all ended up at this kid's apartment, drinking scotch and watching 21 jump street. saw the sun rise over austere office buildings in foggy bottom. it was awesome.


rushed around because it was finally the day of ariana's mexican dinosaur birthday party. the theme quickly fizzled out as her friends arrived and they decided they just wanted to run around like kids. lots of pizza. lots of cake. lots of presents. the bro and i were in charge since big momma was feeling overwhelmed and drunk. the party was a success and everyone went home happy.

i, however, was exhausted.

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