Sunday, December 18, 2005

bang, bang... it's DC...

week in review (but in no particular order)

bottle(s) of champagne and about a dozen cookies with emily. leisurely gossiping and giggling round the kitchen table with my roomie, big blonde ben (alliteration...holla).

next door neighbors were having a party, so we hopped over there only to encounter flashing blue and red lights and caution tape just steps outside my front door. bang, bang... it's DC.

frantic, sweaty, lovely dancing at le chat noir with the lucky bastards who went to see depeche mode that night. had a banAnnieSplit and my girly bits had a series of brief encounters with clint, my weekend gay boyfriend.

skipped to aaron's house, sat around, double cheek kissing everyone. marvelled at tom's excellent dancing skills atop the pool table. that boy's got soul.

more cookies, cool down, sleepover.

christmas shopping with miss ari. didn't purchase much because i wasn't feelin in top form. possibly champagne-induced.

cleaned/organized some junk.

didn't do much else except nap and play with photoshop.

fell asleep at 8 or so, only to awake round 10 and decide that i wanted to go out.

greenland at dc9. everything's cool. semi-witty wordplay. i really liked my makeup.

velvet lounge. a lovely lady flattered me to the max.

randomly ran into one of my favorite ladies in the crosswalk, mid-stride hugs and gift exchanges. she rules.

more po-po outside my house, but this time it's just general patrolling. i park the car and walk past a few parties. one regular, one porn-related.

talk about boys with jenn my roomie. go up to my room and brood just a little bit, but mostly i smile to myself.

wake up relatively early, clean the bathroom. brunch with mom and ari. sleep the day away.

had a string of delicious extended lunches with kelly.

early bedtimes due to a build-up of legal-related stress. court finally... it's all over. {{sigh of relief}}

... turns out my roomie joe is bff with two gals i knew back in middle school. we all used to play kickball in the synagogue's parking lot and go over to each other's houses and giggle. now they totally live on my block in the coHi.

got a bottle o' wine and a hunk o' cheese and karen came over for project runway. not only am i addicted to that show, i've just recently learned that all of the runway pieces are available for purchase on their site. i don't plan on buying any of their stuff, but andrae's balloon skirt totally incited my skirt-lust and i'm pretty sure that i will spend an exorbitant amount of money on one should i come across one during my new york shopping travels this weekend.

spent tonight eating pizza, sleeping, packing, and watching to wong foo.

i'm having the best week ever.

1 comment:

Blog-na said...

SWEET blog! It's genius. Pure Genius! :p You should check our blog sometime ;) Laters!

DIM sDenise