Friday, September 22, 2006


i have an actual bloggieboo (or ten) that's been waiting in the digital wings for about a week or so and i promise i'll get to them this weekend!

in the meantime, the apartment is slowly coming together - things are clean and semi-organized, nothing is broken (except our stupid front door) and it's starting to feel like home. tiya is a cleaning machine and was kind enough to mop - yes, with an actual mop and and an actual bucket! - the other day and coming home to such spotless hardwood completely floored me (ha!). once i finally get to unpacking the last of my boxes and putting everything in its right place, we can tackle the fun yet potentially daunting process of decorating the walls. we've already got a lichtenstein print on one wall, but we've just got so much wall space that that's simply not enough.

so tiya has suggested that we have a few of my line drawings printed on canvas and line them up on the wall where our bar is going to be. for all my posturing, i was genuinely flattered that someone other than my mom willingly wanted to display something i'd created.

these ones will probably make the cut.


theoriginalblowersdaugtr said...

And I can see why, these drawings are nothing at ALL to scoff at. Hmm. Looks like u may need to change from Lauriebot, to Laurielichtenstein-wharhol : )

tiya said...

in a word, i rock. but honestly, its pretty awesome having you as a roomate.

lauriebot said...

head getting larger... can hardly contain ego...