did have a lovely time at the heloise and the savoir faire show at club midway. they played in the low-ceilinged basement. the floor was inlayed with bright panels of neon blue light. the crowd was pretty thin for the first two bands (one charmingly named sweet a** p*ssy), but when our beloved heloise finally took the stage around 11:45, everyone pushed up to the front and cut a rug. sweaty, glittery fun. no elijah wood this time.
the rest of the evening was pretty bad and it was entirely my fault! although, aaron did manage to hail a limo on the street. so punk rock.
spent the day yesterday eating fried chicken (that actually came in a bucket) and watching the following from the comfort of our borrowed olive-colored couch:
squid and the whale
big love
starting to get a sore throat, which is never a good sign. fingers crossed that it's just seasonal and not strep or some other terrible throat affliction.
the only thing i've done today is make another short journey to the mailbox, where i mailed my second batch of letters on my wintery stationery. writing letters is super fun.
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