went on a bad job interview today for a job i have absolutely no interest in performing, despite the beauty of the office's hardwood floors (and the amazing sound of everyone's heels clicking along). i totally need a job.
my olive suede boots are amazingly comfortable and make me feel like a supermodel when i'm walking down the street.
cashiers at trader joe's like me a lot better than the cashiers at whole foods. there are also exponentially more trader joe's cashiers with beards than at whole foods. i believe that these two facts are interrelated.
yesterday, i awoke to a charming message from a long lost boy from my london past. consider me giddy.
i'm making chicken korma for dinner tonight. hopefully this korma sauce will be similar to the delicious kind that i became accustomed to in london. it's the same color, so that's a start.
was an artist model for this painter/photographer and actually had a lot o' fun.
my sore throat is completely gone. it wasn't nearly as bad as sore throats i've had in the past. this one hurt pretty intensely on tuesday and caused me to talk funny (all strangely nasally and stifled). then on wednesday it gave me that fun raspy voice that limits your vocal range, where an attempted squeal comes out more like a breathy whisper.
debating about whether or not to go home early for thanksgiving.
get to see katie and co.'s fashion show at r-n-r hotel
chill with some dc people that i've been missing
spend some much needed time with my mom
operation nyc jobsearch would be put on hold for a few days
i'd miss one housewarming and two potential partays with a gorgeous lady
For a minute I misread your sentence and thought you said "yesterday, i awoke to a charming MASSAGE from a long lost boy from my London past"...
then I realized you said "mEssage" not "mAssage".
That should tell you where my head is at. I'm going to be seeing an old DC bud who reloc'd to London 2 yrs back and am myself hoping to be awakened by some charming giddiness in the not too far distant future...
*giggle giggle, giddy giddy*
woot to the max!!
london-induced giddiness... le sigh!
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