but since i've moved, i've had a small revelation; i have some serious dc love. i was born there. i've lived there (or therabouts) for 96% of my life. my family is there. some of the most wonderful, stimulating people i know live there. i'm actually proud to be from there, former murder capital of the world or not. and now that i'm removed from this town that i apparently adore, i'm learning that it informs many aspects of my personality.
so i'm thinking about getting a little dc flag on my inner wrist. two bars, three stars. small and red and subtle on my most important wrist.
i haven't really made the decision of whether or not i'm actually going to get it yet. i've never gotten a tattoo before. i'm quite afraid of needles and i don't like bleeding.
maybe i'll take a lesson from the kelly school of preparation and draw a little version in ink on my wrist to see how i feel about it being there.
I am fully for this! and the testing it out really helps. now I'm so used to my circle, it won't be strange to actually have it on my wristhtt
i think i just might...
you know what's funny...i just google'd "DC FLAG TATTOO" and your posting came up in the results?!?!
i'm getting ready to move from D.C. (been here ALL of my life) and am thinking about doing the same thing!! i just don't know where to put it!?!?
though (being a guy), i'm just going to go all black ink...
i've been here for the first 30 years of my life...i will miss this town dearly!
if you do it...i'll do it!!
i'm definitely still thinking about it! i've gotten mixed reactions about my choice of placement on my inner wrist, but i've totally got my reasons for that!
you should definitely get it!
i love the bars and stars.
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