Thursday, December 07, 2006

the verdicts...

1. tiya's office throws the best holiday parties; they had mead, honest to goodness, mead! and fancy boys who fondle you upon introducing themselves (hi, i'm mike. woops! third base!). and cute norwegian girls in suspenders and fedoras. fatties who stalk the hors d'oeuvres.

2. networking at parties can be successful - a well-to-do looking, yet unexpectedly witty lawyer i met at tiya's party is helping me find a job. already got my resume out to this hip design/trend firm.

3. the british Office is absolutely hilarious and uncomfortable, but mostly hilarious.

4. it gets dark way too early.

5. i actually do enjoy talking on the phone for hours. it's been so long since i've had any reason to spend such long hours on the phone with someone, but it's nice and wholesome and much appreciated.

6. the following songs have ensnared my heart and caused me to sing along loudly and occasionally in tune:
regina spektor - fidelity
blondie - call me
boston - more than a feeling
pretenders - brass in pocket
cyndi lauper - girls just wanna have fun
holy hail - county fair part two
journey - don't stop believin'


Anonymous said...

More than a feelin' RULES
my #1 belt-out-while-driving hit

lauriebot said...

that's exactly when i belt it out too! amazing.