long day at work - two phone calls, not too much to do until influx of people that lasted about 4 hours. one lady sat and contemplated shades of gray for almost 2 hours. a lot of babies. a lot of foreign languages that i wish i understood. i've got to get on my further education plan... i think it'd be best if i perfected my french first... then get crackin on some italian.
took the a train uptown to catch my train down to the district. got there a mere 5 minutes before boarding. slushy platform. made my way up to the cafe car where seating was more plentiful and an important (yet frazzled) looking woman sat down next to me, speaking loudly on her cell. was clearly a lawyer in a high-profile dc case. kept talking about how "they" don't know she's heading back to dc that night. telling some man named leo to go by her house to make sure everything's alright. saying "if she wants to play this out in the press, it's going to get very ugly; tell her to say 'no comment'". and whining about some persistent journalist who's been camping outside her house monitoring the license plates of her visitors. a short while later, her cell phone rang again and her voice got very serious... "how did you get this number? no comment. no comment. that's all i'm going to say to you... seriously, how did you get this number?" i listened intently and attempted to catch a glimpse at the name on her ticket to figure out who this woman is and what is so interesting about her case that people are hounding her on a saturday night.
as we neared union station, i became more and more excited and less and less focused on what john was saying. pulled into the station, exited the train (but not before noticing the j.crew/abercrombie high school girls a couple seats back who were visibly lusting after j-dog) and was promptly greeted by a bespectacled
quick ride back to spencer's house so we could de-frock and prepare ourselves for the awesomeness that was the byt/garutachi underwear party at rock-n-roll hotel. baby blue AA briefs. high top adidas. tight pants. hoodie. purple spandex leggings. hot pants. legwarmers. sweater vest. leopard print faux fur. kelly green clutch with purple lining.
caught a cab almost as soon as we stepped out the door and were swiftly on our way to the rnr. there was a line (wtf) and snooty fratacular people crowding the door. we waited semi-patiently. while waiting to get stamped, half my favorite dc people walked by in varying degrees of nudity. we hugged and high-fived and both spencer and i were briefly felt up by cale's vibrating gloves. got stamped and made our way upstairs to the clothes check. bundled all our cumbersome clothes in a white garbage bag and headed out into the throng of scantily clad slaves to the danse. so, so, so fun!
nikola was snapping piccies of all the lovely ladies left and right. we knocked back a couple o' sparks. caught a bit of john redden's set downstairs and thoroughly enjoyed an uber dirty electro version of something nirvana. caught up with a good portion of dc kids i love - cale/grace, glo, coryface, rebekah, svet, emily, kelly/rachel/ed/rob and so many others. it was lovely, like a non-annoying high school reunion.
at some point in the night - nikola beckoned for us to follow him into the back room. oh man.
more frivolity, more dancing, more camera flashes. i reveled in spencer and cory's bromance. after the party, we all waited in the cold on H st for the first available cab that wasn't trying to rip us off, fare-wise. successfully procured one after a fairly icy wait and a slight altercation between a cabbie's window and adan's fist.
made it over to rebekah's adorable place and was immediately in love with her bright red walls. took lots of pictures, drank beer and lounged unattractively on the couch between a couple of righteous dudes. nikola complained of a fever so spencer gave him some sort of temple massage - photographic hotness ensued. cory and spencer man-hugged, adan played mixmaster and it was generally the most pleasant evening i've had in a long time!
Duuude, Adan's coif has gone asymmetrical? Is nothing sacred?
apparently not. adan seems to frequently rock the borderline hipster do.
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