got back to my beloved coHi and promptly removed my pants in preparation of this dance party. discovered that i particularly enjoy a peculiar and disgusting blend of vodka, lemonade, and natty light. despite my drunken haze, i managed to notice a handful of wonderfully "dressed" party-goers; little punk rockers in big bad boxers. skinnies in thongs. a pvc catsuit complete with riding crop and elbow-length gloves and girls stuffed into corsets/bustiers. one of spencer's sassy girl roomies shook it on me till the cows came home and a sleazy dude in the shadows attempted to capture it on film. made new friends with a fabulously giggly lady who goes by the name of smashleah. some old dudes came in off the street and took off EVERYTHING. the spencerator was in charge of the playlist and brought with all the danseable tunes that had been recently stirring my kool-aid: PYT, presets, cut copy, etc. overall, i had a spectacular time despite the presence of a handful o' voyeurs who totally owe me a dinner.
on sunday, spencer had to go to work so i slept in a bit, dicked around on the computer and arranged to have brunch with my favorite fancyboy, london tom. it was unseasonably warm so we met up on a sunny corner of 16th and euclid and shared a pleasant stroll over to the reef. delicious pancakes and a strong mimosa. noticed kingpin joel and a mystery boy who looked very familiar to me - i've sinced figured out who he was. on the way out, we ran into spencer's saucy roomie and her punk rock pals; grabbed some tukas.
after the adams morgan brunch experience, i decided to go visit kellyface and rachel at their place. rocked the metro and met up with a barefoot kelly on the corner of her street. played with coco... she's one sassy pup. heard juicy details of district dj wars and later became reunited with my favorite hair product of all time at ulta. helped kellyface with some test shots for a video project she's workin on; that girl's gonna be famous.
headed back to the district for dinner with spencer. delicious lamb sausage pizza at coppi's (let's hear it for meat-eaters!) raspberry beer at saint-ex. later, adan, spence and i headed to prince/pharell dance party at black cat. it was suprisingly fun/good... to the point where i was dancing too much and actually had to take a break (unheard of)! brief encounter with the blackcat boy that makes me bashful and borderline sheepish. high fives. got silly drunk and sappy and engaged in a little session of t.m.i. before drunkenly truding up that ridiculous hill in the coHi and crashing, warm and content.
spent monday lazing around... practically the whole day. it got to be 2pm until i realized that i was starving. luckily, there were m*ms and trailmix so i didn't have to worry about fainting in the shower. whew. diner for a blt. superb! blackcat boy... again. returned to spencer's for a lilttle bit o' sap and tunes and then it was off to union station to begin the trek back to the big apple.
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