perma-headache that began as a piercing white pain behind my left eyebrow. after a self-head massage (snicker, snicker), i managed to diffuse the eyebrowcentrism to a more manageable dull ache between my temples.
a rushed and unsatisfying lunch which i purchased with my credit card because i left my debit card and cash in my other pants.
a quick lesson in opportunism.
but on the plus side...
got a much appreciated sugary sweet text that made my heart smile
i successfully resisted the urge to numb my dissatisfaction with today by buying pretty little things
ran into duckduck dave on my way home, engaged in some light-hearted banter that made me feel better. and then, all of a sudden, an open-top, safari-style jeep packed to the brim with bushwick hipsters came barreling around the corner. dave responded with, "look at these douchebags!" i turned and totally recognized an exceedingly thin, swoopy-haired boy in the backseat. awesome.
so today's been weird/terrible, but i did have the best weekend ever!
impromptu girldate! i was alone in the apt, tiya having gone home for the holiday weekend, so i was looking forward to a bit of social interaction. alliepants called me and we arranged to meet for drinks and possible bbq. headed to fette sau (the epitome of ironic hipster barbecue) to meet up with allie's pal. i feel the need to mention my unironic appreciation of this meat-eating hipster movement that's begun spreading throughout my age group. i like meat. grew up liking it and continued to enjoy well into my post-adolescent years. for a while, vegetarianism and (gasp) veganism, were the standard culinary choices of many of my friends. i held fast to my carnivorous nature, taking special care not to judge or attempt to entice my more socially-minded friends to the dark side. and now, it seems as though the true rebels are embracing meat, reveling in its juicy after drippings without apology. whew...
so yes, fette sau... allie and i changed our mind(s) and decided to just drink. crossed the street to that wine/beer bar she loves and whose name i can never remember... spike and something. i'm not much of a beer connoisseur, so i informed the casually disheveled bartender that i would like something light, sweet and preferably belgian. he produced a hearty mega beer called goliath, sold in wine bottles, and boasting a 9% alc vol. delicious. and then i discovered they have mead. if you recall, after having imbibed mead for the first time at tiya's holiday party, i became an insta-fan, but sadly hadn't had the chance to have it again... until friday night. it was as delicious if not moreso than i remembered. hurray! and then a few sips of allie and rebecca's framboise, because it's also delicious. we all became uber giggly, stopped off at
felt like poo for much of the day, which made me angry since one of my favorite high school friends was coming to town to hang out! luckily pulled it together in time to meet her and her crew in soho. took them to barneys co-op where i purchased yet another pair of cheap mondays (hot damn, these greywash ones are amazing) and got shyrynne to try on a bunch o' crap too! her cousin and friend decided they were bored of walking the streets with us, so they retired to, presumably, make out while shyrynne and i headed to room 18 for a steak sandwich.
headed home for a quick half hour of couch-loungin before realizing that my beloved jay brannan was playing a show at mo pitkins in a matter of minutes! threw on my montreal dress and some cutiepie flats and shyrynne and i booked to the LES, only to discover that it was sold out. no worries, though, because there was a freestyle rap battle involving becky drysdale goin down upstairs that could not be missed. made our way upstairs, purchased strong libations from the charming irish bartender and took a seat close to the stage. the premise of the show was this... 5 comedians and one (un)lucky audience member would freestyle rap at each other and the audience would determine the victor of each battle by level of applause. the chosen audience member turned out to be a serious redhead in a tight cream and kelly green satin tube top dress and very high heels with, apparently, a lot of rage. rap battles outside of 1983 are, by nature, embarrasing at best, but thanks to my high spirits and shyrynne's presence, i spent the whole time giggling my ass off. three notable moments in the battle:
1. the winner who was more than slightly reminiscent of bud bundy didn't blink once while he was in the midst of rapping
2. the unassuming cargo-shorted, bespectacled and freckled boy with the best beatboxing skillz i've ever witnessed firsthand
3. rebecca drysdale referring to her mic as a "dykerophone"
the show ended, bud bundy won and attempted to chat us up (hey ladies...), and we headed back into the bar area with the irish bartender who delightfully poured me a pint (wee, a pint!) of jameson and ginger on the house. took a couple goofy piccies and called it a night round 1am.
sunday was the best and totally made me re-realize how much enjoy spending time alone when the weather's beautiful! shyrynne's cousin picked her up from mine in the late morning and i watched bits and pieces of the naked brothers band and twirled around in my bedroom. long, cool shower. slipped/shoe-horned my way into my new cheap mondays and artfully mussed my oversized white tank. navy and white wing-tip kitten heels. essential items and my DSLR all went into my tote from ICFF and i headed to union square. got myself a little picnic lunch and ate under a large american elm in union square, watching teenage couples awkwardly engage in public displays of PG-13 affection and two separate groups of modern and/or gay fellows play card games on picnic blankets.
slowly sauntered down broadway swigging from my bottle of smartwater and occasionally closing my eyes to feel the sunshine on my eyelids and also to see how long i could walk without tripping or slamming into someone. stopped off at barnes & noble where i purchased a choose your own adventure book for grownups and made my way down st. marks place to find that vaguely european bar that i like so much. i'd been walking for a handful of avenues, becoming less and less confident in my navigational skills until i noticed a near empty bar across the street that looked moderately inviting... upon crossing the street, i realized that it was in fact the bar i had been searching for! and there was an empty table outside! what luck! i staked my claim on the empty table and ordered a blue moon. settled in for a pleasant late afternoon of slow beer drinking and adventure choosing. i don't know who this writer is, but she has an extraordinary ability to conjure up the most bizarre and unexpected ways for you to die. i especially enjoyed the death by sharpened paintbrush shot through a bow by a jilted lover. another beer and a plate of proscuitto and asparagus bruschetta later, i had died in many fantastic ways, a few unfantastic ways and had managed to spend the better portion of the daylight hours sitting alone at a table on st. marks place. gathered my belongings, tipped the waitress well and headed back home.
at this point, i still hadn't decided whether i wanted to go see my pal's band play at pianos. there were plenty of reasons to inform my decision either way and ultimately i decided to go. i was feeling sassy. a french electro noise duo with whom i've recently become obsessed was the opener. and shyrynne and co. were already in the vicinity of the east village. met them out, but by the time i got there, they were already weary from a long day of shopping and general touristdom. they bid polite goodbyes, i hugged shyrynne and headed over to welcome to the johnsons to meet up with tom, aaron and posse. quick introductions to about 8 people i didn't know. giggles and quick catch up. realized it was getting close to the frenchies' set, so we all made a mass exodus over to pianos. en route, i ran into tiya's friend with whom i occasionally butt heads. genuinely friendly hugs/high fives and then it was time for the frenchies... the berg sans nipple! huzzah!
they were astounding. i've never before seen a fellow play the drums and kiddie xylophone at the same time. or rock a mini steel drum and a vocoder. so many pedals. so many gadgets. so much awesome. if you ever get the opportunity to see these boys play, please allow me to highly suggest that you make it happen. and the super tall, blondish one totally looked like my fella... so basically, he's a stud.
after their set, i discovered that there was a slammin danse party happening upstairs. seriously... best dansable tunes i've encountered in this city thus far! the dj boys were just so into every song they were playing and they danced and giggled and thrust fistfuls of paper confetti at the danciest folks within reach. confetti in my hair. confetti in my shoes. confetti in
then it was time for bellman barker - and they did such a lovely job! i hadn't seen them play in probably over a year, possibly longer. tom was as basstastic and frantic as i remembered. aaron was lovely and a little grittier than i remembered. basically, they were all super fun and i was moved to dance and sing along to whichever songs i remembered from my dc days. met a fun gal named hatti who was in our crew and we danced and giggled the whole set through.
stuck around for a while, danced it out with hatti, watched an angry jersey-goth get into a semi-fight with the bouncers and then shake his fist up at the sky while spouting inventive obscenities. called it a night soon after the crazy goth relieved himself on a nearby fence, bid farewell to my dc friends and made my way to the subway, stopping off for a quick happy meal and phone call to the spencerator.
got home round 3ish. crawled into bed, warm and satisfied. before i shut my eyes, i surveyed the small trail of white confetti strewn across my bedroom floor and scattered amidst my sheets and reflected on one of the most fun sunday evenings i've had in a long, long time...
current musical obsessions:
the veils - advice for young mothers to be
the berg sans nipple - mystic song
secret mommy - kool aid river
lo-fi fnk - wake up
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