yesterday, i embarked on a relatively innocent window-shopping spree with my sensible/classy coworker, priscilla. we perused the ruffly edwardian blousons at max azria and the shimmery, citrusy silks at some high-end wooster street boutique. and then, barney's co-op. the bane of my financial existence for i always fall instantly in love with some high-priced gem that i know i should not even contemplate buying. yesterday was no exception.
against the back wall of the shop there's a rack heavily laden with exquisitely crafted dresses of silk and chiffon and linen and such. and sewn into the inside of each of those dresses is a little tag. and on that tag, the words "diane von furstenberg" blaze proudly and with conviction.
needless to say, i became enthralled with one (in my opinion) pricey piece in the floaty/mod/rainbow chiffon arena. it. is. amazing. but after nonchalantly glancing at the tag, i just couldn't justify spending that kind of money on one garment. camera equipment, sure! but a dress?! that's unheard of in lauriebot-ville. i placed the dress back on the rack and left, willing myself to put it out of my mind.
unfortunately... i was unsuccessful.
i managed to bring it up in practically every conversation i had in the next 24 hours. it made a cameo in my dream last night. so finally, i had to admit to myself that diane
von furstenberg clearly had a hold on me. so i resolved to head back to barney's co-op after work today to try it on. my hypothesis was that since the material is so flowy and amorphous, there would be a very high probability that it would overwhelm my frame, giving me the appearance of a coat hanger or a slightly malnourished child playing dress-up in her voluptuous mother's fancy clothes.
this was not the case.
it fit me to the max! it's exactly the length i want. it twirls. the chiffon feels divine against my legs. the colors are so vibrant i can't imagine ever feeling anything less than blissfully elated whilst wearing it.
so after a good 10 minutes of prancing/twirling in the powder blue dressing room, i solemnly resolved myself to my fate, headed to the register, handed over my card and spent too much dough on a perfectly beautiful dress.
and now there's little else to say except that i am a sucka.
but at least i'm well-dressed.
1 comment:
lol! I think DVF adds a dollop of crack to her designs. Or something similar that hynotizes one when one goes shopping, because I had the EXACT same experience about 3 years ago. Same symptoms:
Spotted a DVF frock in the window of Intermix, G'Town. Immediately imagined self in said DVF frock at upcoming event that DEMANDED that I have said DVF frock. Returned again and again to gaze upon said DVF frock in drooling obsessive manner. Rung up (yes, rung! ) the store umpteen times pretending to be famous british starlet in the hopes that they may offer 'star discount', (!!), imagined myself in said DVF frock in countless dreams, etc etc.
Finally had to give up obsession due to (unjustifiably)high DVF price tag (half my mortgage).
But... still have visions of said DVF frock, especially at momments when my blood sugar is running low...
Anyway, lovey. All this to say, YOU GO GIRL, Get the darn frock. It's worth it. You are clearly a better woman than me.
P.S. Side note: Gucci just might have the same crack in their sunglasses because I just caved in to buy the most DREAMY pair of deep sea-blue aviator shades, EVER!!!
Darn these designers and their hidden crack designs!
(and one LONG ASS comment)
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