Tuesday, April 22, 2008


i just introduced my coworkers to the whimsically sticky world of papabubble candies and now we have a little jar of delights in the office.

the lavender candies taste like flowers with chocolate inside.

the bergamot candies taste like tea with chocolate inside.

we have a little apothecary jar of passionfruit candies at home and guess what? they taste exactly like passionfruit.

if you have the supreme good fortune of living in one of the following cities, please do your soul (and belly) the favor of visiting one of their shops!

new york


tiya said...

i used to eat these sweet, delicious candies all the time when i lived in spain.

sadly, i have not been to the one in nyc yet.

we should go.

Anonymous said...

ah! i'm so glad you introduced me to papabubble! i totally yelped about it and gave it rave reviews. alas, i'm out of my apple/caramel, pear/caramel candies...would you be interested in dim sum and some papabubble action soon?

say yes!