Friday, October 21, 2005

say yeah...

haven't had time to clean up my concert photos yet, so i'll put up the aftershow pics first. a little dyslexia.

after hearing that clap your hands say awesome had sold out, sean and i decided to head out to black cat to drink and scowl at the lucky ticket-holding bastards therein. sat down at the bar to order my pre-requisite girl drink and a sunshiney bald fellow in a tight-fitting t-shirt sidled up to me and asked if i had gone upstairs. i turned to him with a slightly melancholic smile and informed him of my ticketless status. with that, he whipped out an extra ticket and handed it to me, free of charge before disappearing into the mass exodus of scenesters that were heading toward the stairs. i sat there, a little dumbfounded by my own luck, when sean returned from the bathroom. "you're totally going! i'll hop on the metro and go home.. you're going!" he exclaimed. i unsuccessfully tried to schmooze sean's way up to the show and when i returned, dejected, sean was in the process of procuring a ticket from a gentleman seated beside him at the bar. success.

our hands were stamped and our hearts were primed for rock.

and with that lead-up... here are pictures of sean and katiecakes acting silly after the show:

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