Wednesday, December 07, 2005

sullen hump-craft...


Been seriously derelict in my digital journaling and busy/non busy at the same time. Packing, moving and unpacking has taken a lot outta me.


Heres some things I dig about my new residence in quick bullet-style:

Shiny hardwood floors with character (meaning there are random boards that stick up and trip me, but I like them anyway because theyre shiny)

Little bro and friend hitting on the girl who was moving out and her not caring enough to indulge them, but still taking advantage of their brawn and asking them to move her bed downstairs and into the uhaul

Late night speed-shopping at giant on my first night and getting caught in the sleety/snowy mess that befell the district at around 10pm; I didnt mind.

There are six mirror panels in my hallway bathroom. Each panel houses a medicine cabinet. I share the bathroom with two other people. The third floor hallway bathroom also has six mirror panels housing one medicine cabinet apiece. There are 12 medicine cabinets for 6 people. That amuses me.

One of my roomies has a big girl dog named corey. As I was moving my boxes upstairs, corey followed me up and down the stairs, but would always patiently wait in my doorway, shaking her eyebrows at me. Finally I invited her in. she wagged her tail, sniffed all my stuff, turned around in 2.7 circles and then took a nap at the foot of my bed. We are now best friends.

Ive already met potentially fun next door neighbors, one of which was staying upstairs in my house until he could move in next door.

Theres a little fireplace in my room that I plan on using as a display for fabulous shoes

Today I acquired a fancy new trashcan for my bedroom, purchased at marshalls

Work last week

work was mildly nightmarish last week; everyday i'd had a different difficult trip to book. six in all. it wouldn't have been so bad had the online system ever worked properly - instead i had to call travel, usually not less than three times per trip. mamma mia, there are going to be a lot of charges for telephone assistance.


I havent gone out in days and days. Seriously, its been sleep, eat, work, eat, sleep repeat! Had every intention of going out last Saturday got semi-dolled up in eyeliner and tight pants, only to fall asleep half-sprawled across my bed and half on the floor at 12:19am. I was done.

Christmas Crafts

Co-worker Kelly made me a cheery christmas mix cd filled with christmas cheer. the chipper juxtaposition of alvin and the chipmunks, dolly parton and wham! made me skip all the way home.

Also ordered some uber-fun personalized stockings from neighborhoodies for the fam. Ive been put in charge of rekindling the stocking tradition in my family this year and Im determined to make it the best ever. Ive been rushing around trying to find the best, most personal presents for everyone; its exhausting, yet satisfying! Im making tonight my first wrapping night. you should come over and bring wine; we can wrap together!

I've gone coo-coo for wordplay, be it witty or otherwise

Casey sent me hilarious anagrams yesterday and now Im all thinking anagrammatically. Apparently inspired by my proclamation of afternoon boredom after lunch slump, he sent me the following:

surf planet mulch
sullen hump-craft
flush plum nectar
sumter punch fall

I applauded.

Kelly and I have also gone coo-coo for home movies quotes, one of our favorites being Arnold Lindensens exclamation that Paula should call him back as close to as soon as possible ACASAP! So acronyms are also pretty hot in my book at the moment...

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