Monday, October 09, 2006

lauriebot: professional contributor

la derniere semaine...
it's totally my last week at work and i couldn't be happier. even though my immediate financial future is a bit hazy, a bit mysterious, i greatly look forward to a bit of uncertainty in exchange for the daily dread and anxiety that results from being employed in a job/profession that no longer suits me.

it's been a bit strange, my leaving, because there was never an official announcement made to the office. people found out one by one, either through me or through the grapevine. yesterday, the big boss man came up to me and asked when my last day was. so today, i think i'll send around a goodbye note to the office, thanking them for making my time there as pleasant as they could. i'll also propose a drinking hour, because that's when people are nicest, when they're toasted... nicely toasted.

the past week or so, there's been a new girl at work who's been slated to take over my accounts. she hates the job and is sooo bored. last week, she basically shadowed me while i did almost all the work. this week, i plan to switch it up, whereby she will be handling all charts, mailings, updates, etc and i will just be cc'ed on her emails so i can keep track of what she needs to be doing. i, will be the overseer. but yesterday (during my office's non-observed columbus day), she was nowhere to be found. no phone calls. no emails. no explanation of her absence. everyone thinks she quit, and i must say, i would find that hilarious.

les objets d'arts...
enough whining! i have fantastic creative news! back in london, i met a fantastic girl from canada named jamie, through our equally fantastic mutual friend, melissabot. jamie spoke of many possible future endeavors, one of which was opening a fashion/art boutique in vancouver. of course, this idea intrigued me to no end and my excitement was multiplied tenfold when she asked me to contribute something to this future home of Awesome. well... things are actually coming to fruition! jamie bought a space for her store and is currently working on getting a content-driven website up and running and asked me to contribute anything i feel would fit the aesthetic of her vision.

yabba dabba fuckin' do!

i am ridiculously excited! already started looking through some of my better photographs with an artistic/fashion-y leaning. looking through old essays from my london time and from old blogs. pulled out a few drawings. i can't wait to get this started! expect great things from jamie and her new baby...

lisez pour amusant...
my lovely roommate is a complete nerd, which is probably partly why we get along so well. her nerddom has begun to leak over and spread because i have become obsessed with comic books. not the angsty, teenage- boy- in- love- with- the- hot- girl- but- she- doesn't- notice- him- until - some- science- experiment- goes- horribly- wrong- and- he- gets- superpowers- only- to- come- face- to- face- with- ultimate- evil- defeating- it- in- a- rousing- climax- thus- winning- the- affections- of- the- hot- girl kind. the comics that i'm digging at the moment are either stylish and subtle or ridiculously adorable. if you have any interest in these modern picture books, may i suggest the following:

recently i've started to make slight changes to the layout on here. expect new and improved bloggies and fun links in the coming weeks!

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