because of my giant mouth, practically everyone i know has already heard this story at least thrice. so, greatly abridged:
met a dansey boy at the cat through death by jason.
someone attempted to be smooth and vastly misjudged.
my hair was accidentally set alight.
spencer put my head flame out with his hand.
the smoke detector went off.
i went home, my hair slightly crispier and a lot smellier.
slightly bitchy phone call in the morning to secure my much needed haircut at aveda. spencer delivered.
made it out to aveda in georgetown where, after a few moments of whispered gossip, everyone who works there realized just who i was. yes, i was the girl spencer had set on fire the previous evening. they were all really nice about it and i was able to laugh at the ridiculous nature of the circumstances. got a super deep conditioning treatment for about an hour. sat with a shower cap on my head, alternately reading fashion mags and giggling with john the hair guy and spencer the pyro. the conditioning helped a lot, so john didn't really need to cut that much off and i was quite happy with the end result.
ran into rebekah and kc on my way back to the car and filled them in on my incendiary experience, thus beginning my downward spiral of telling the story far too often to far too many people.
t e a s e that night. super duper fun. here are some quick highlights:
dansin/sparkin it up with kellyface, rachel, rob and jessica. there is documentation thanks to kellyface's handy canon/LED flashlight combo.
getting felt up by rebekah and aric. at the same time.
meeting a sassy-coiffed fellow who lives up here. holla for new nyc friends.
running into fun former UVAers of the cataract camp persuasion.
a very fun text conversation with a modern.
very long and revealing conversation with the ginger, after which he apparently felt embarrassed or found out or something.
a snub from the eyelids! ha! a year ago i would have been so hurt, but this time around, i just thought it was funny. and weird.
some guy blinded me with science.
coffee and punk rock.
family time and detox.
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