thanks to jay leno and ms. tiya, i've become obsessed with senator barack obama, the dreamy rumored-to-be presidential candidate. just try and tell me you're not lost in eyes and his moderate, yet heartwarming political platform.
never paid attention to regina spektor, mostly because i was fairly to moderately annoyed by the incessant plug of her new album on VH1. but now that i've seen the whole video for fidelity, i'm musically smitten with her plucky, caterwauling girlvoice. and the super warm premise of the video... oh man, i'm such a lady.
our beloved borrowed olive green couch is moving to its permanent home today. cue tears.
talked on the phone last night for 3 hours and was thrown back into memories of the illicit crushes and secret midnight phone calls of my middle school days. awesome. and let's hear it for free nights and weekends.
discovered that our tv has access to over 1200 channels, most of which are in another language, which provided me with hours of channel-surfing fun. i was disappointed that we don't get the bangladesh channel, but pleasantly surprised that we did get 3 VH1's that offered hour long blocks of Pop Up Video. caught up on some vintage episodes of queer as folk and all the cartoons i could handle. late night tv can be so amazing.
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