aside from my foray into higher education, there have been a handful of other awesome occurrences in the recent past, which i fully intend to commit to the digisphere this week. i swear, i'm gonna sit myself down, with a pot
of something highly caffeinated and maybe some candy and get cracking on turning the 8 or so drafts i have saved into real-life digital nuggets of autobiographical fluff. there have been birthday celebrations, musical happenings and celebrity sightings, the latest of which involved the following forgotten star...
igby, a.k.a. kieran culkin. i totes saw him walking down 3rd avenue, near gramercy park on monday looking like nothing i would have expected. he was dumpy with a beer gut worthy of a 30-something midwestern truck driver. his face was a little sweaty and his hair hung in limp, stringy strands against his forehead. he swung a clear plastic bag containing a blimpie's sandwich as he trudged his way into the late afternoon sun. his main saving grace was that he did have lovely, sparkly blue eyes the same shade as his slightly dishevelled, oversized tee.
Laurie, we are in sync on the Culkins! I saw Macaulay in La Esquina in Soho two weeks ago. Imagine: a 25 year old that looks like some kid from the 80's named Macaulay. Now imagine, dare I say, some partial balding? (worry not, he has brushed it over with the super duper long blond hair)
oh man! balding... NO!
those poor, poor, rich culkins...
Kieran has brown i doubt it was him.but you are funny.
people can wear contacts. which would make it even more awesome because boys in colored contacts are hilarious!
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