a few weeks ago, my
darling roommate turned the big 2-4. what with our living in new york city, away from our loyal stable of wild-n-crazy dc friends, we assembled a small, but worthy group of ny-based pals and hit the town. behold the photographic spoils of a fabulous,
drunken excursion in honor of the day of birth of my beloved Tiya-dactyl...
after gathering at our apartment, the evening was initially intended to begin at capone's in brooklyn, where we planned on enjoying some fine free-with-beer pizza. unfortunately, capone's was mysteriously closed. so we walked back homeward and decided to stop at that lovely beer/wine bar whose name repeatedly escapes me.
alliepants told stories.
the boys posed.
after enjoying framboise and other fancy beers served in giant wine glasses, we all piled into a cab and headed to that subtle haven of below-houston hipsterosity, the lower east side. delicious food was obviously a priority, considering we were denied access to capone's pizza palace, so we made a quick stop at DASH for sliders and dogs.

when we were sufficiently stuffed full of hamburger-y goodness, we all giggled and twirled our way over to 200 orchard where our long lost dc pal, coryface was spinning. he was one of my favorite nighttime friends back home, not only is he fun-sized, but he's hilarious and is no wallflower when it comes to cuttin proverbial rugs. but when we arrived at our destination, we were punched in the face by the knowledge that cory would not be making a musical appearance until very late in the evening and we must endure the musical stylings of no fewer than 2 other djs and a band before he would spin! so we all got another drink and took up residence in a corner booth next to a silent, creepy kid who spent the rest of the evening sitting in that exact same spot, drinkless and smile-less, only adjusting his position when the glass djs got up to perform. here's the rest of our night in piccie form:

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